Employee Spotlight: Gwen Newberry

Gwen Newberry is the Regulatory & Compliance Director at Western States Cancer Research NCORP.

When did you start working at WSCR-NCORP?
November of 2017

What is your favorite part of working at WSCR-NCORP?
The drive everyone has to improve on the company; WSCR has changed so much since I started working here and has proven to be open to change when it is needed.

What’s one thing people don’t know about you that they would be surprised to find out?
I spend A LOT of time playing games (console and PC) and have a tattoo dedicated to my love of gaming. I have built all of my computers.

How did you get started in the field of research?
I fell into it, honestly. I have a degree in business and public relations which came with an internship my senior year; I discovered then I didn’t like working with PR (which is a BAD time to discover that) so I applied at unique and interesting jobs endlessly. I came across an IRB (Schulman at the time) and gave it a go – I spent some time working on consents and eventually moved into subject safety and compliance. And now here I am, 11 years later!

What is one thing that surprises you about your current role?
How interesting and steeped in history it is; there were many early attempts throughout history to make sure research was fair and safe (that were often ignored) before it became a global effort with the Nuremberg Code and Belmont Report.

What’s one thing on your “bucket list”?
To finish visiting all of the states, I have 20 left!

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